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明日之家? YIMBY的崛起

住房和房地产开发一直是温哥华居民的热门话题. 考虑到这一点,也就不足为奇了 RED Talks 在居民中很受欢迎, industry leaders and city officials for this year’s sold out event. 连续第二年,IBI很荣幸...




住房和房地产开发一直是温哥华居民的热门话题. 考虑到这一点,也就不足为奇了 RED Talks 在居民中很受欢迎, industry leaders and city officials for this year’s sold out event. 这是连续第二年了, IBI很自豪能成为RED Talks的赞助商,并尽我们的一份力量来鼓励关于塑造温哥华未来的对话和对话.  今年的主题是:直面共识.  This topic comes at a particularly poignant time in Vancouver, when many citizens are stepping forward to have a greater say in the city making process.

Vancouver’s YIMBY movement is less than a year old, but it’s already having an impact. Discussion around urban development has been reframed, awareness about 缺少中密度 正在增加,而且(令许多人最初感到惊讶的是)担心自己在温哥华未来的居民在市议会上表示支持新的开发项目. 和著名的YIMBY活动人士 旧金山湾区租房者联合会 founder, 索尼娅Trauss 在红色会谈上发表演讲, this seemed like the perfect time to speak with the founders of the YIMBY movement, 它的温哥华冠军, 和几个住在城里的IBIers.


YIMBY斯德哥尔摩 was started almost ten years ago in Stockholm, Sweden. They are recognized as the first contemporary group that organized under the YIMBY banner.

是什么促使你开始的 YIMBY斯德哥尔摩?

我们是SkyscraperCity论坛上的一群斯德哥尔摩人,我们一直在哀叹有趣的计划总是被修改成无趣的、不那么城市化的计划. 我们也对媒体总是在叙述剥削性开发商及其政治走狗与不希望自己的社区被破坏的普通民众之间的关系感到沮丧. 有一天,我们决定不再只是在(网络)朋友之间发牢骚,而是做点什么. We started a group, and began to get the media to cover things less one-sidedly. 等于9.五年前的今天.

北美的YIMBY是什么, 尤其是在西海岸, 指的是YIMBY运动?

这主要意味着我们变得更强大、更聪明,因为有更多的人可以分享想法和智慧. 这也意味着在北美媒体上有更多的曝光率,并提高了对该运动的认识, 最重要的是YIMBYs所代表的思想和价值观. Even with the very different political and planning systems in North America and Sweden, 同样的问题也会出现, 在支持移民的邻避主义者中也可以发现同样的虚伪, the same failed 1950 planning still rules both place and more. 它只意味着好的东西. One thing is still missing from the North American YIMBY scene: music! 斯德哥尔摩 Skovlarsyntharen (可在Spotify上下载) & YouTube). 能给我们来点LBC的YIMBY G-funk吗?


丰富的住房温哥华 emerged as the prominent YIMBY advocates in Vancouver during 2016. 从那时起, 他们强烈支持建造更多的住房,以满足不同温哥华人的需求

是什么促使你开始的 丰富的住房温哥华?

一幢六层楼的出租大厦,位于十八街与商业街交汇处! You’d think that sort of thing would be uncontroversial in a city with a rental housing crunch, but the homeowners nearby really came out swinging against it. Angry letters, tons of people riled up to speak at council, the works. 我去参加了重新规划听证会,因为我不敢相信人们反对在温哥华市中心新建租赁住房. Thankfully I wasn’t the only one – there were a bunch of other like-minded people there, we spoke to Council in favour of the apartments and then went for beers after. It was a big relief to learn that there are other people who want more housing in this city, 我们度过了一段美好的时光,所以我们决定继续与温哥华丰富住房公司合作.


我们是新手! 但从去年6月起我们就可以这么说了, AHV has become a lot more organized and we’re getting more done than we ever imagined. 我们也见过类似的组织,比如 是的,在新西部 pop up around the Lower Mainland – it feels like the start of an exciting new movement.


我敦促规划者们仔细思考一下,在进行公众咨询时,他们是否足够包容. 典型的方法是举行一个公开招待会,询问人们是否需要一个项目——但有些人比其他人更有可能直言不讳. The homeowner next to a proposed apartment building will complain, but the renters who would live in that apartment building probably don’t even know about it yet. Planners need to put a lot more thought into whether they’re listening to everyone’s voices, 或者只是那些声音最大的.


Charn Gill是AG平台的行政助理. She grew up in Victoria, BC and has lived in Vancouver for the past year. She loves Vancouver’s vibrancy and the easy access to stunning nature.


I see YIMBY as a movement that says ‘yes’ to increased density and upzoning, the proliferation of a more diverse and inclusive housing stock, 更多混合用途发展, 可步行性和更多的交通选择. YIMBYs认为,对保护主义态度的失望导致了经济适用房的缺乏, 交通拥堵和通勤时间长, 我认为YIMBYism代表了一种转变,许多人开始思考新发展的方式, 而不是建造宜居城市的敌人.

What are ways that YIMBY and NIMBY movements can positively influence Vancouver?

YIMBYism can positively influence Vancouver, by supporting a shift in how people see density. 它可以帮助管理一个人们想要并且能够在工作地点附近抚养孩子的城市. We have this idea that families move to the suburbs for more space. But, 我认为很多家庭搬到郊区是因为他们的需求在城市里得不到充分满足. 而不是去郊区的航班, YIMBYism提供了一个开始设计城市的机会,其中家庭是画面的一部分. 


是的,当然. 可能会有一些开发行业的人将YIMBYism纯粹视为一种推进自己既得利益的机制, with little regard for what the movement represents or seeks to achieve.

话虽如此, I also believe that individuals in the development industry are essential to this movement. 与反对者们, 一个社区的居民在哪里可以指出一个具体的发展,并概述他们的不满, YIMBYs are advocating for something that is conceptual – the desire to have a more livable, 经济实惠的可持续发展城市. Existing city policies have allowed for and in some cases facilitated NIMBYs. It is decades of city planning policies and mindsets that the movement is looking to change. Individuals in the development industry are fundamental to the mobilization of this movement.




Tomas Lyons是AG平台的建筑技术专家. A recent transplant to Vancouver, he arrived in November 2016. His favourite things about the city are the architecture and transit system.

What are ways that YIMBY and NIMBY movements can positively influence Vancouver?

就像在温哥华一样, 由于租金和住房成本一直在稳步上升,负担能力危机正在持续. 通过支持经济适用的发展, YIMBY运动可以帮助降低租赁成本,从而有助于缓解上述挑战. 另一方面, 邻避运动也可以对温哥华产生积极影响,如果他们能提供明确的证据,证明某种开发将对该地区有害,只会进一步提高温哥华市的房地产通货膨胀率/租金.


如果有人认为自己是YIMBY/邻避活动人士,与某个项目有直接联系,就不会有直接的利益冲突,这种说法是错误的. YIMBY和邻避活动人士有一定的议程,这些议程直接相互矛盾,当然,如果一方在一个项目中有影响力,他们会希望实现他们认为有利于他们运动的结果.


随着租赁/住房市场的状况, it appears that rental rates are not decreasing but in fact increasing. 从长远来看, 我觉得这是房价上涨的结果, 越来越多的人被迫搬到离城市更远的地方寻找合理的住宿价格, which could have a potentially negative effect on the City of Vancouver.


写的 劳伦·麦考利

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